Intuitive. Heartfelt. Grounded.
I love life and the rawness of what this reality can bring when we are willing to flow with an open heart, the deepest trust and inner knowing that all we go through and learn, all we experience is an invitation to remember, to evolve and to be in love. Yoga for me is a way to honour my body and the earth, providing me with the tools to enable a nurturing lifestyle, one of self healing, connection and kindness.
I love to move, consciously breath and stay connect to my hearth. Nature, friends, family, food, music, animals, the ocean, the moon and stars, fires, dance, rituals, play, hugs all blend in the mix to keep me grounded, grateful and in love.
I have been absorbing the extraordinary power of a yoga practice for the last 8 years. Since completing my Teacher Training 200hrs with Rasa yoga school and moving to Bristol my life feels more aligned that ever. I’m grateful every day for this journey of life. In my 30 years on earth I’d say I’ve already had to face some of the hardest losses, challenges and bumps… it’s all relative I know and it is how you chose to deal with the bumps and lumps of life. All I know is all I’ve experienced is part of my soul journey. The hardships have made me who I am today and where I am.
Nature and Ayurvedic living (a natural way to live, in rhythm with nature, to prevent illness and optimise health, founded in India over 3,000 years ago) are super close to my heart and day-to-day routine. As the wise Greek physician, Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. I truly feel food, our environment and the nurturing style of how we live massively impacts on our wellness. To have a holistic approach to food, movement, rest, sleep and routine allows for a wholesome and flavoursome lifestyle.
I hope through each flow, you as my student feels a greater sense of beauty, balance and connection.
So much love,
Bryony x